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Below, please find a selection of my academic publications. Books and articles are listed separately - the latter categorized by theme.

Links are provided to relevant sites to find more information; the pdf files for some articles are also provided for your benefit.

(Google Scholar, Research Gate, Google books, my books are available in these libraries).

My recent CV can be found here.

Government Failure

Government, Market and Rules

Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2013.

buy here.

Available in Russian.

Reviewed in the Journal of Economics Issues, by Maxime Desmarais-Tremblay; reviewed in Public Choice by Peter L. Calcagno.

Social Economics

Critical Concepts in Economics

Ed. With R. McMaster, M. White, D. Figart, E. Mutari. 4 Volumes; London & New York: Routledge, 2016

Innovation Networks

Managing the networked organization

with Rick Aalbers, London & New York: Routledge, 2015.

To buy and see reviews, see here.

Institutions, Communication and Values

New Perspectives, New Insights

Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2009.

buy here.

The Elgar Companion to Social Economics

(ed., with J. Davis). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2008. [Outstanding Academic Title for 2009, according to Choice Magazine.] [Paperback, July 2010.]

The Elgar Companion to Social Economics

2nd Edition

(ed., with J. Davis). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2015.

buy here.

Understanding Mergers and Acquisition in the 21st Century

(with K. McCarthy)

Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012

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Understanding the Dynamics of a Knowledge Economy

(ed., with L. Soete) Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2006

Knowledge Economies

Innovation, Location, and Organization

London: Routledge, 2008. [Paperback 2009]

Reviewed in the Journal of Economic Geography, by A. Hauge; Economic Geogrphy Research Group by Iain Evans.

Globalisation, Inequality and Social Capital

Contested Concepts, Contested Experiences

(ed. with C. Dannreuther) Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, March 2003

Multinationals and Emerging Economies

the quest for innovation and sustainability

Ed. with G. Duysters, I. Costa. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2009

Fighting the War on File Sharing

(with A. Schmidt and W. Keuvelaar) T.M.C. Asser Press &Cambridge UP (IT and Law Series, #14), 2007

Ethics and the Market

Insights from Social Economics

(ed., with J. Clary and D.M. Figart), London & New York: Routledge, 2006. [Paperback 2011.]

Interdisciplinary Economics

Kenneth E. Boulding’s Engagement with the Sciences

(ed., with S. Kesting) London & New York: Routledge, 2013 [paperback, 2015].

buy here.

Institutional Economics and the Formation of Preferences

The Advent of Pop Music

Edward Elgar, June 2004 [Gunnar Myrdal Prize 2006]

Reviewed in The Journal of Cultural Economics, by Simon Frith

The Nature of the New Firm

Beyond the Boundaries of Organizations and Institutions

(ed. With K. McCarthy and M. Fiolet) Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2011

Consuming Symbolic Goods

Identity & Commitment, Values and Economics

London & New York: Routledge, 2008.] [Paperback 2009.]

Valuing Pop Music

Institutions, VALUES, and Economics

Delft: Eburon, 1999

Oaths and Codes in Economics and Business

(with B.P. de Bruin) Review of Social Economy 61(2), June 2013

Knowledge Dynamics out of balance

special issue, Co-guest edited with C. Chaminade & J. Vang, Research Policy, 37(1), 2008

The History and Significance of the Allied Social Sciences Association

guest editor, symposium about ASSA-II, American Journal of Economics and Sociology 67(5), November 2008

Social Networks for Innovation and New Product Development

guest-editor, with Roger Leenders, Social Networks for Innovation and New Product Development Journal of Product Innovation Management 33(2), pages 122–236, March 2016.

Media & Economie: Markten in beweging en een overheid die stuurt zonder kompas

Preadviezen van de Koninklijke Vereniging voor de Staatshuishoudkunde, 2005

Wilfred Dolfsma & Richard Nahuis

Innovation in Service Firms Explored: what, how and why?

W. Dolfsma, J. de Jong, A. Bruins & J. Meijaard

EIM report, January 2003

Consuming Symbolic Goods: Identity and Commitment

Special issue, Review of Social Economy 52(3), September 2004

Wilfred Dolfsma & Ioana Negru (eds.) The Ethical Formation of Economists. London & New York: Routledge, 2019.

History, Methodology and Identity for a 21st Century Social Economics, Eds: Wilfred Dolfsma, D.W. Hands, Robert McMaster. London& New York: Routledge